Viper Goons DCS wiki
DCS Stuff
Reference carts
Altitude charts for approach and barometric conversion
Caucasus compact airfield information
The Channel compact airfield information
NTTR compact airfield information
Normandy 1944 compact airfield information
Persian Gulf compact airfield information
Syria compact airfield information
Vehicle size chart
(for manual sight adjustments).
AJS-37 Operator Checklist
F-5E-3 Operator Checklist
Ka-50 Operator Checklist
Combined L-39C and ZA Operator Checklist
M-2000C Operator Checklist
Mi-8MTV2 Operator Checklist
P-51D Operator Checklist
Combined SA342L, M, and Mistral Operator Checklist
Yak-52 Operator Checklist
or a similar mod manager to install.
GAU-8 Dispersion tweak
(for more realistic burst accuracy).
Minimalist labels
(only pips and dots, distances for aircraft).
F-5E-3 RWR filter fix
(makes the RWR search/tracking radar filters work as intended).